Client Feedback: Major Garden Maintenance & Hedge Trimming Tidy-up – Remuera Property

“Dave Cogan and the Garden Team were great to work with. The communication was easy, Dave was happy to meet and discuss the work on site, the quote was detailed and clear, the job was done when he said it would be, and the result is a much better looking property. We would be happy to use him and his team again. Matthew Dillon-Mayne”

Matthew Dillon-Mayne
ICT Director
LeasePlan New Zealand Limited

This feedback is example of what we commonly hear about our work in the fields of large garden maintenance projects and hedge trimming work and tidy up projects. If you’d like to experience how we can help you, feel free reach us on phone 021-350-575 or via our contact page.

Dangerous Palms Around Your Property

Dangerous Palms Around Your Property

Both varieties of Phoenix palm (Phoenix roebellenii and Phoenix canariensis) commonly known as the Date Palm, pose a significant Health and Safety risk to those working in close proximity. The hardened thorns found at the frond base are extremely sharp and the tip will often snap off once they have penetrated the skin. The thorn tips are very small and can be very hard to detect with MRI, X-ray or ultra-sound. They have the ability to penetrate into joints and tendons.

Sepcial care must always be taken when working near these. Eye protection, thick clothing and leather gloves are the minimum required. Care should be taken handling the fronds when loading and unloading green waste.


Get The Best Out Of Your Garden – Fertilise it


Fertilzer_Garden_RemueraSpring and autumn are the best times to fertilise your garden. The Garden Team offers a range of organic options to get the best out of your garden. We have experienced great results in both ornamental and productive gardens from applications of Natures Garden Fertiliser. NGF is produced by Environmental Fertilisers in Paeroa. This Bio-grow certified product contains rock phosphate, Humic Acid, Seaweed, Vermicast and Basaltic Rock Dust. This has been composted and inoculated with beneficial soil bacteria and fungi. It contains 70 essential plant minerals, vitamins and natural growth hormones plus a range of beneficial microbes.

The Garden Team can apply Natures Garden Fertiliser to your garden to promote a healthy soil and thriving plants

Winter Updates

With winter approaching and the leaves falling it’s time to book a visit from The Garden Team.

While we are there why not get us to take a look at your gutters?

Blocked gutters can lead to water penetration which will ultimately cause damage to your house.